Sunday, November 4, 2012

  Mrs Ford shrugged her shoulders impatiently

  Mrs Ford shrugged her shoulders impatiently.
  'Oh, let her go. I'm sick of amateurs.'
  'Thank you, dear,' said Cynthia.
  'Oh, I know you did your best. For an amateur you did wonderfullywell. But amateurs never really succeed. There were a dozen littleeasy precautions which we neglected to take. What we want is aprofessional; a man whose business is kidnapping,chanel 2.55 bags; the sort of manwho kidnaps as a matter of course; someone like Smooth SamFisher.'
  'My dear Nesta! Who? I don't think I know the gentleman.'
  'He tried to kidnap Ogden in 1906, when we were in New York. Atleast, the police put it down to him, though they could provenothing. Then there was a horrible man, the police said he wascalled Buck MacGinnis. He tried in 1907. That was in Chicago.'
  'Good gracious! Kidnapping Ogden seems to be as popular asfootball. And I thought I was a pioneer!'
  Something approaching pride came into Mrs Ford's voice.
  'I don't suppose there's a child in America,Home Page,' she said, 'who hashad to be so carefully guarded. Why, the kidnappers had a specialname for him--they called him "The Little Nugget". For years wenever allowed him out of our sight without a detective to watchhim.'
  'Well, Mr Ford seems to have changed all that now. I saw nodetectives. I suppose he thinks they aren't necessary in England.
  Or perhaps he relied on Mr Broster. Poor Reggie,cheap moncler clerance!'
  'It was criminally careless of him. This will be a lesson to him.
  He will be more careful in future how he leaves Ogden at the mercyof anybody who cares to come along and snap him up.'
  'Which, incidentally, does not make your chance of getting himaway any lighter.'
  'Oh, I've given up hope now,' said Mrs Ford resignedly.
  '_I_ haven't,' said Cynthia.
  There was something in her voice which made her companion turnsharply and look at her. Mrs Ford might affect to be resigned, butshe was a woman of determination, and if the recent reverse hadleft her bruised, it had by no means crushed her.
  'Cynthia! What do you mean? What are you hinting?'
  'You despise amateurs, Nesta, but, for all that,cheap moncler jackets, it seems thatyour professionals who kidnap as a matter of course and all therest of it have not been a bit more successful. It was not my wantof experience that made me fail. It was my sex. This is man'swork. If I had been a man, I should at least have had brute forceto fall back upon when Mr Mennick arrived.'
  Mrs Ford nodded.
  'Yes, but--'
  'And,' continued Cynthia, 'as all these Smooth Sam Fishers ofyours have failed too, it is obvious that the only way to kidnapOgden is from within. We must have some man working for us in theenemy's camp.'
  'Which is impossible,' said Mrs Ford dejectedly.
  'Not at all.'
  'You know a man?'
  'I know _the_ man.'
  'Cynthia! What do you mean? Who is he?'
  'His name is Peter Burns.'
  Mrs Ford shook her head.
  'I don't know him.'
  'I'll introduce you. You'll like him.'
  'But, Cynthia, how do you know he would be willing to help us?'
  'He would do it for me,' Cynthia paused. 'You see,' she went on,'we are engaged to be married.'

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