Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dip up some ice cream

"Dip up some ice cream, will you, Bucky?"
"I've been managing without the refrigerator. But I'll go out and get some if you want."
"What are you doing in that chair?"
"Change of scene."
"Not that it's not good riddance. This bed isn't meant for more than one, unless it's wee folk we're talking about, and even then they'd better lie still."
"Do you need a doctor?" I said.
"What for?"
"Nausea and vomiting. Cramps. Back pains. Body tremors. Fevers. Headaches. Coughing spasms,fake uggs. Severe depression."
"That sounds more like you than me. You're the one who looks on the verge. I take medication for my inner organs, to show them I care whether or not they function. I take medication, Bucky. What do you take? You look on the absolute brink. You're functioning day to day on leftover nervous energy. I take medication. Except when I forget."
"Do you want me to go out for some?"
"Some what?" she said.
"Ice cream."
"Some basic weed to suck up might be nice."
"I'd have to get in touch with Hanes. He'd probably have access to just about anything."
"Not Hanes for now. All the fun's gone out of sexual ambiguity. Hanes was never one of my favorite people anyway. Remember how he was always underfoot? A very snaky boy. Sheer snake. Heavy-lidded reptile eyes. But the real reason I don't like him is because he's hard to forget. Every so often I find myself thinking of Hanes,cheap jeremy scott adidas. I hate people I don't like who are hard to forget."
"And you're jealous of his heavy-lidded eyes," I said.
"You've always wanted heavy-lidded eyes,cheap jeremy scott adidas wings."
"Too true."
"Why did you come back? What kind of business? It's cold here, Opel. You're never happy when it's cold."
"I need money, Bucky. Some people offered me an assignment. I'm taking them up on it."
"Maybe I can arrange for you to have some money,jeremy scott wings. Whatever you need for now."
"No, this is business. I'm here to deal. What I make is mine. There's a package here, right?"
"In that trunk."
"Have you peeked inside?"
"I assume it's dope."
"The package contains a raw sampling of what was described to me as the ultimate drug," she said. "Happy Valley Farm Commune stole this stuff from a research installation out on Long Island. The stuff is new, just been developed, has no trade name. They think it's some kind of massive-strength product. But really massive. A colossal downer. They'll know for sure once they get it tested. Happy Valley's anxious to market the stuff but this is their first dope venture on a large scale and they want to be sure not to fuck things up. They don't want to operate out front either. They prefer to work through intermediaries and cover people and so on. I don't want to sound like a gossip columnist of the underground but people have been whispering about this event for weeks now. The dope was taken from a top-secret installation. U.S. Guv. So people figure it's something vicious, mean and nasty. Something U.S. Guv has been putting together to brainwash gooks or radicals. People are anxious to try it and see. People are agog. They're convening in out-of-the-way places and whispering to each other. They're stopping cars on the street and passing the word. Everybody's anxious to get off on this stuff. If U.S. Guv is involved, the stuff is bound to be a real mind-crusher. Anyway that's the consensus. People are agog. It's the dawning of the age of God knows what."

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